Software in the Computational Mathematics Lab

The following software is available on the Linux workstation
Using manual pages
Downloading SSH and SFTP Client Program on Windows from (CLICK ^^;)


math/numerics,   text editors,   compilers,   email,
encode/compress,   graphics,   converters,   internet,   printing


MANUAL PAGES: You can use the man command to view the manual pages for most executables/commands. For example,
parter>  man matlab
parter>  man gcc
For other commands, you can type the option "-help" or "--help" to get succinct instructions, e.g.,
parter>  montage -help
parter>  scp --help
If you are fishing for a command, you can try man -k, e.g.,
parter>  man -k plotting
parter>  man -k 'text editor'
parter>  man -k fortran | more

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